Oemar Bakri The Teacher

Video lagu Guru Umar Bakri dari Iwan Fals dengan gaya animasi ini dibuat oleh Agustinus. Didapat dari Youtube dengan alamat:


A protest song about the life of government paid teachers in government funded schools, which are indeed miserable, not respected, with paycheck being cut by irresponsible government officers. This song is sung in the style of country music.

Oemar Bakri The Teacher
(Iwan Fals)

Black briefcase from aligator skin
“Good morning!”, said Mr. Oemar Bakri
“Today, I think the coffee is so good!”

Black briefcase from aligator skin
Let’s go to teach science lesson
There your naughty students may have waited already

Old bicycle passed on the street full of holes
Always like that since the Japanese occupation
Astonished was he when about to enter gate
Many police carrying weapons with fierce face

Mr. Oemar Bakri was shocked, “What happen?”
“A fight, Sir!”, answer the students like a bunch of hot shot
Mr. Oemar Bakri was very very afraid
That wrecked bicycle was ridden fast
Then he went in panic
Went home quickly

Like hell…
Front wheel up and fly!

Oemar Bakri Oemar Bakri
Government paid employee
Oemar Bakri Oemar Bakri
Forty years in service
Being a good honest teacher is miserable indeed

Oemar Bakri Oemar Bakri
Created many ministers
Oemar Bakri…
Created Professors, PhDs, Engineers too
But why is teacher Oemar Bakri’s paycheck being cut?

Old bicycle passed on the street full of holes
Always like that since the Japanese occupation
Astonished was he when about to enter gate
Many police carrying weapons with fierce face

Mr. Oemar Bakri was shocked, “What happen?”
“A fight, Sir!”, answer the students like a bunch of hot shot
Mr. Oemar Bakri was very very afraid
That wrecked bicycle was ridden fast
Then he went in panic
Bakri released ‘gas’
Went home quickly

Oemar Bakri Oemar Bakri
Government paid employee
Oemar Bakri Oemar Bakri
Forty years in service
Being a good honest teacher is miserable indeed

Oemar Bakri Oemar Bakri
Created many ministers
Oemar Bakri…
Made people clever like Habibie (Indonesia’s former Minister of Research and Technology, Indonesia’s third President)
But why is teacher Oemar Bakri’s paycheck being cut?

Bakri… Bakri…
What a pitiful person you are!

Iwan Fals Dari Masa Ke Masa

Foto-foto Iwan Fals dari kecil hingga sekarang.

Seiring perjalanan waktu...
Wajah pasti berubah, fisik tentu berubah, rambut terus memutih
Semangat jangan pernah padam
Sebab dengan itulah kita bisa menikmati hidup ini (sb)

makasih dOel buat Iwan kecilnya

Hari Raya Bumi

Hari Raya Bumi
Karya Persaudaraan Anak Jalanan
(Dinyanyikan Iwan Fals untuk ‘Kampanye Indonesia Menanam’ 2007)

Hari ini adalah hari raya milik bumi
Dengan segenap rasa pedih
Kami anak cucu bumi
Yang hingga detik ini berdiri tegak diatas bumi
Menjadi saksi dengan mata telanjang
Betapa nestapa nasib bumi kami

Hari ini adalah hari raya milik bumi
Dengan segenap rasa perih
Kami adalah anak anak bumi
Masih menjadi saksi
Manusia adalah penghuni bumi paling biadab

Hari ini adalah hari raya milik bumi
Diatas langit dibawah tanah
Dengan sekujur badan
Kami anak cucu bumi menjadi saksi

Kami tak ingin bumi ini meleleh
Kami tak rela bumi ini keriput
Kami tak rela bumi ini terbakar

Kepada seluruh penghuni bumi
Tanamlah pohon
Tanamlah pohon
Tanamlah pohon
Tanamlah pohon
Agar bumi tak cepat mati

terima kasih untuk Ricky
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